You were inspired by Peter
you were inspired again by Paul
and of course, who couldn't be inspired by Jesus?
What made them so strong internally, so as
to withstand whatever came at them externally?
Three men in whom there was no quit
In a word, they were full of grit.
GRIT. I think it is the close companion of self control, one of the fruits of the Spirit Paul highlighted.1 the passion of power and perseverance
Just the word inspires me ~ the concept and the difference it makes in our lives.
This guy's got GRIT:
"The only thing that is distinctly different about me is: I'm not afraid to
die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked, period. You might have more
talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than
me. You might be all of those things. You got it on me in nine categories.
But if we get on the treadmill together, there's two things: You're getting off first, or I'm going to die. It's really that simple."2
Would you get off the treadmill first?
I've heard some of you say you wanna be like Paul... 'I can't tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life . . .The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren't small, but you're living them in a small way. I'm speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!3
How can you get grittier, distance yourself from mediocrity, champion the cause of excellence in your life?
->ask God to fill you with his Spirit, then get intentional.
->converse with God daily
->meditate on biblical truth daily (even a single verse)
->exercise seven days . . . yes, daily
->consume food as fuel 📷📷
->get quality sleep
->gather with others
->never quit
->mentor someone
Do you have grit? Want to grow your grit factor? Get intentional or it will just be a cartoon bubble over your head. Grit ... because there are no shortcuts to excellence.
1 - Will Smith, Grit Angela Duckworth ~ This is a fantastic book.
2 - Galatians 5.22-23
3 - what else? The Message, 2 Corinthians 6.11-13
who else? Paul - to the church at Corinth
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